Monday, 13 September 2021

Problem of the Week


Today students received their first problem of the week. They also received the following note about problem of the week. Please take a moment to read through it, so that you know how to best support your child with this activity.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Problem of the Week

What is Problem of the Week?

Problem of the Week is a Math and/or logic problem that you will have one week to solve, using the Problem Solving Organizer provided.


When do we do Problem of the Week?

You will receive your Problem of the Week every Monday, and your solution will be due on Friday.  On weeks when we do not have school on Monday, you will not have a Problem of the Week.  In addition, if a test or quiz in Math falls on a Monday, we will not do Problem of the Week that week either.


Why do we do Problem of the Week?

This is an opportunity for you to practice your problem solving skills, as well as your math skills in a safe and challenging way!!  You do not get a level or a mark for getting the “right” answer on your Problem of the Week.  Instead you get a mark simply for trying, and completing the problem…whether you get the answer “right” or “wrong.” 


There are many ways to solve a problem, so go ahead and give it a try!  Even if the method you choose doesn’t work out, you will learn from your mistakes, and your mark in Math won’t be impacted negatively.


What if I don’t know what to do or don’t understand?

A lot of times using the Problem Solving Organizer will help you understand the problem, and develop a plan for solving it.  That is why you are expected to use the Problem Solving Organizer, but sometimes even with the help of the organizer, you might find yourself stuck on a problem.  If this happens, you might try taking a break from the problem (remember, you have a whole week to work on it!), and remind yourself that you do not get a mark for getting the “right” answer, so just try something!  You will learn a lot more if you try and make a mistake, than if you get the answer from a teacher, friend, or parent.  This is a safe place for you to make mistakes, so make them!!!! 


If you absolutely must ask for help, remember that your teacher will help you to understand the problem, but will not give you the answers or tell you how to solve it.