Friday, 22 October 2021

This Week in School: October 18 - 22

 We started this week by examining a new infographic in Media.  This week our infographic provided information about education around the world:

We also started a read aloud of The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate.

For our weekly book discussion, we read What do you do With a Problem? by Kobi Yamada.

In Literacy, we also continued writing our biographies and autobiographies.  Students have had time to brainstorm and collect information about their subjects, and should be working on using that information to write their first draft in class.

This week the students began their read aloud presentations.  It has been great to hear them reading different stories with fluency and expression.  These presentations will continue over the next couple of weeks.  The schedule for presentations can be found in the Google Classroom.

Our Math unit on Graphing continued this week with students learning about creating and reading intervals in graphs, and about measures of central tendency in data (i.e., mean, median and mode).  Next week we will be wrapping up this unit and preparing for a unit test which will likely take place the following week.

We are also working on wrapping up our Social Studies unit.  After spending several weeks researching the Canadian government's response to various national and international issues, students have begun evaluating these actions.  Next week they will share their findings and evaluations with their peers.

In Gym, students began working with their groups to develop and practice a fitness routine that they will eventually be presenting to the class.  

In Health, students learned how to use calorie counts provided on restaurant menus to make healthier choices when dining out. 

It was great to see the fabulous and creative pictures and designs students came up with for our leaf art activity this week!